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Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 memorial race in Sacramento

This morning we got up bright and early to attend the 9/11 memorial race in Downtown Sacramento. It was an honor to attend this event. 

My sister Heather came out with her baby, Kyla. 

See the Capitol in the background? 

This man ran with this flag the entire way! 

The most beautiful thing about this event was the flag ceremony. Each person who completed the race was given a flag and then led into a blocked off area to place our flag down for a person who had died on September 11, 2001. With over 3000 names it was quite difficult to walk in there and pick one name to dedicate your flag to. 

We saw firemen from all over the state who came out to show their support for their fallen brothers. We saw several from the Bay area and some even from Southern California. 

10 years later and seeing the footage still makes my heart ache.
 We will never forget. 
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1 comment:

Angee's Blog said...

love you both. the event looked awesome and very very touching. i want to put this on the calendar for next year. thank you deke for your service!!!!

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